Sunday, December 22, 2013

Thank You

G and I started a gratitude practice a while ago at bedtime. After story time we try to do mindful breathing into all the different parts of our bodies and at other times we send love to all our different body parts (depending on how the day was this relaxes us both, but of course some days it works better than other days). We then say thank you for anything we can think of. We both really enjoy this routine and when I forget, G usually reminds me that we still have to say thank you. Our "thank you" practice is a great way to end the day.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Camping at the foot of Jebel Hafeet

We have been looking forward to winter just so that we can go camping. I didn't really feel like going because I was coming down with a cold but in the end I'm glad we did. We had a relaxing, fun time.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Check Mate

Hershey kisses from the advent calender + imagination = a serious chess game

After check mate the chess pieces went for a wild surf.

Precious moments in time.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Started Zentangling, it is positively addictive!

Love the quote on the site "Anything is stroke at a time."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Wonder in Ordinary

  • “Do not ask your children
    to strive for extraordinary lives.
    Such striving may seem admirable,
    but it is the way of foolishness.
    Help them instead to find the wonder
    and the marvel of an ordinary life.
    Show them the joy of tasting
    tomatoes, apples and pears.
    Show them how to cry
    when pets and people die.
    Show them the infinite pleasure
    in the touch of a hand.
    And make the ordinary come alive for them.
    The extraordinary will take care of itself.”
    ― William Martin
I found this delightful poem on the blog Hands free Mama and just love it. 

  • It gives me endless joy when I see G enjoy an ordinary moment and we are fortunate to have many;
  • Wake up cuddles in the bed with Bella
  • Greeting the sun while we go downstairs
  • Squeezing in some play time before school
  • Spotting red cars on the way to school
  • Doing our goodbye routine - hug-kiss-jump-in-my-heart at school
  • Getting a surprise drawing of the day when I pick her up at school
  • Having lunch together
  • Playing outside - constructing a castle, climbing mountains, jump to the moon
  • Watering our sprouting garden
  • Closing our eyes for one or other surprise during the day (dress up giggles etc.)
  • Cooking dinner together
  • Doing our nails
  • Bath time fun
  • Bedtime stories and chats
  • Sending love to our whole bodies, from the toes to the top of the head
  • Saying a gratitude prayer
  • Going to sleep (still the most difficult part of the day)
And by the time the end of many ordinary days I can quite clearly see the extraordinary in that day.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dear Santa.....

G's picture letter to Santa Claus; her first wish is for Santa to bring Ouma Nokkie en Oupa Ben over for Xmas. Ouma is wearing a long dress with puffy sleeves, a hat and wearing high heels. Oupa is wearing jeans and has big shoes. Then a bike, a picture frame and a computer. Not sure where that came from. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Uniquely G Birthday Cake

Oh how G loves baking. I asked her if she wanted to bake a cake for her aunt's birthday and when I got the kitchen a bit later, she had all the ingredients and measuring cups on the table. She was very adamant about decorating the cake with pretzels while her dad and I tried to persuade her not to. She persisted and we gave in which was worth it when we saw how proud she was of the cake, and the best part is that her aunt loved it! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Living a Great Life

Often when something hurtful happens I go into a tail spin. I start doubting myself, my decisions, my motivation, my inspiration, the purpose of life and sort of feel just like giving up altogether. But I can recognize it now and it is good to know that I am learning to keep facing and moving forward, while spending my time on what matters every day. I wish life experiences never had to hurt and I wish I never felt so sad but I can see how the dark times are really the times that force you to take stock of your choices and if you need to alter your direction. Thought I would share this little piece of wisdom from Gemma Stone

"Living a Great Life means that in everyday moments you show up for your future self. Small, positive changes made every day add up to large changes over time ::

Saying yes to what inspires you and no to what drains you.
Honoring your boundaries.
Finding the community you want to belong to.
Learning from the wisdom of others and sharing your own.
Doing less of what you don’t want to do.
Doing more of what you do want to do.
Cultivating the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that nourish you.  

Nurturing your Great Life isn't selfish; it's a gift you give to yourself, your loved ones, and the world.

As you live your Great Life,you help to tip our world in the direction of more greatness.

Your presence matters".

I am very grateful that inspiration is available whenever I need it. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A red hat


Julia and I went searching for veranda chairs for our new house in Woodstock.  We stumbled across this fabulous building called the African Co-op that was full of lovely stuff, locally made.  Lots of quirky ideas, pencil cases made out of Lays crisp bags that had been recycled and laminated with plastic – big globe lights made up of the colourful recycling of bright plastic containers – greens, blues, pinks and yellows.  There were vintage sections within the store selling lovely jewellery and quirky clothing.  In one of the stops we found a gorgeous red felt hat…I put it on Julia's head and simply knew it must be hers, but left it there…we kept looking in other places and found a white lacy skirt that she loved but that was too big – I could have easily taken in the elastic for her but also knew that she would be getting something similar at xmas from me – a white lacy dress I am jazzing up with sequins and beads to present with fairy wings as a fairy outfit.

So I asked her – if you could choose – would you have the red hat or the skirt….immediately without hesitation her face lit up and she said the red hat!  So we went back to the stall and picked it up and i put it on her head – she caught a ladies eye who pointed her out to her friend and said to me – she is so cute in that.  She turned out to be the owner of that particular stall – I asked if it was a vintage piece and she said that the hat wasn't she’d bought it for herself but didn’t feel it had suited her in the end – I love it – it reminds me of a pair of beautiful grey woollen felt slippers that had a ladybird on them when she was little!  It was just one of those special mother daughter days – we shared a giggle between ourselves with the hat on her head as we left the store!

And in case you are wondering why she is crossing her arms – those are her angel wings….its a Waldorf thing!  She got the most exquisite report today – not a proper mainstream one – it included a story written for Julia and us to read to her that Delia made up and encapsulated Julia's qualities, then a separate letter just for Nev and I…. on leaving school today Delia said the most beautiful thing to us – she said thank you for giving me such a special gift this year!…and she meant Julia.

I will scan the story and send it to you xo



A Song in my Heart

The night we were camping in the garden, G was having so much fun and between every thing we were doing she said: "Mommy, I  have a song in my heart!". I suppose that translates to feeling quite happy. That was enough to put a song in my heart.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Camping out in our Garden

With it being winter now, we spend most of our day out in the garden. G have been "building" castles, houses and obstacle courses in the garden lately and when G asked if we could sleep in the garden we immediately pitched our tent and set up camp. The excitement was huge! I slept with earplugs and still woke several times from street noise, the early morning prayer call and a rooster, but G slept through it all. She slept better outside than she ever sleeps inside the house. Must be the fresh air. My only regret is that I never took a picture, we were too busy setting up camp, cooking and enjoying out outdoor adventure. I wouldn't hesitate one second doing it again.