Saturday, November 8, 2014

Amazing Insights


You know what,  I am so grateful in a way for my journey with this tumor… it is really helping me to really authentically FEEL the clichés such as, ‘you have to love yourself before you can love others’, and ‘you have to forgive yourself before you can forgive others’.  It’s only now at the age of 40 and through the process of this year, that I can honestly say I finally  understand these words and what they mean.  It is such a relief to truely feel this AND the best 40th gift ever.

How can one truely love life if they can’t love themselves first and forgive themselves and others?  None of us are perfect and we all live our lives and have our personal demons.

Along with these insights comes the insight into judgement…I believe it is only through loving yourself and forgiving yourself that you can honestly say you don't judge others.  Not judging doesn't mean we have to agree, it simply means we can acknowledge somebody else's viewpoints without having to take them on. If we gossip, we are judging others, without understanding or respecting their personal life journey, their difficult roads, etc. 

I watched a movie called ‘The lunchbox’ last night. It had such a meaningful quote in it for me, sometimes people catch the wrong train, but it can transport you to the right places.  Which brings another insight into the lime light – there are no wrongs or rights.  I am just so grateful that I can now after all these years love myself and see how I have been so damned hard on myself!!!…Its only taken 40 years!!!!  Let the healing begin.

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