Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Planting Seeds

We planted a lot of seeds this weekend. Several herbs (parsley, garlic, rosemary, watercress, dill and rocket), vegetables (cocktail tomatoes and vegetables) and a mix of flowers. G wrote (copied) most of the name tags, love the ones where she improvised with pictures. A great team effort with me doing the heavy lifting (:-)). Gabrielle loved scattering the seeds and found all the sizes and shapes of the seeds so interesting. Uncle George and Gabrielle made name tags from milk bottles and skewer sticks, quite ingenious I would say.

It would be a miracle if anything grows because some of the seeds expired in 2001. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. That day and the next Gabrielle was checking every two hours if something was growing, the faith is there, the patience is growing.

I am so grateful to be at home and have the time and energy to do these kind of things. I felt at complete peace pottering around in the garden. I know now that this is what I always wanted.

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